Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"Are you BeLIVING for God?"

What is wrong with this scenario?, OR is it just a matter of opinion?

Often, when talking with people who are in crisis, they will say, "I may not attend church, but I do believe in God." Too many people seem to feel so safe saying those words, when in reality, they fail to realize God is looking for our words + our works + and our witness. There is a distinct difference in "Believing in God" and "BeLIVING for God."

This is simply another one of those moments where we must evaluate whether or not we are a "Fan" or a "Follower" of Jesus Christ. There are so many "faith" folks who seem to be convinced that the path they are traveling is secure and sure, yet the branches on the tree are bare and broken, and the womb of passion, purpose, and pursuit is clearly barren.

How does one assure themselves that they are seated with Christ, when they have initiate no fellowship with He or His Church?

God has not called us to a lifetime cruise of complacency that delivers a stark contradiction to those who are watching from the sidelines who know they are not on the field and moving towards the end zone. This is the hour to pursue intently after God and know that with every ounce of devotion, He is arranging the promotion we NEED in our lives. So, whatever you do, be certain to not only Believe in God, but make sure you are BeLIVING for God in all you think, say, and do...every day and in every way.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Going Higher is NO GAME

Playing games and sports can be really fun and bring a great sense of fulfillment to one's life. Enjoying the opportunities to participate and be active in these areas is great as long as these activities do not become MY Life.

The test is in our being able to remove the game, OR discontinue becoming active in that sport, OR secure for yourself a brand new past-time, and then measure the productivity (not success) of your life. Here is a quick measurement tool. If you are bored, then you are not really breathing; you are really not alive. With every boring moment is a wasted and missed opportunity to engage, equip, and empower yourself, and others, to fulfill God's Army slogan, "BE all that You can BE."

Increasing and advancing in Life is certainly no game, though you have the controls and the ability to navigate to your desired place and position in YOUR future. Life is the blood in your veins, created to leave a few stains.

Here's Your Opportunity to "GO HIGHER :"

Where, and upon whom, are the stains from the veins
of your Life, leaving a lasting impact today?