Is there any way to really make any sense of this senseless, aimless, reckless attack on the opening night of the Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises? As I monitored the news this morning, stunned by the inescapable real news footage, I noted Headline News continuing to submit the question, "But, Who Opened the Door?" Take a moment and ask that question out loud, "Who Opened the Door?" Did you say it out loud? Did anyone else hear you? I hope so.
While blame will be issued to Hollywood and the movie industry, we must consider the following. First of all, the movie "Batman" didn't open the door and cause this horrible tragedy. Secondly, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the cosmic powers over this present darkness (Ephesians 6:12). Thirdly, the time has come for us to do more than simply be alarmed when a crisis erupts, but we must be truly awakened to that which corrupts (1 Corinthians. 2:11). Lastly, the suspect (identified by the various news sources as James Holmes) opened the door to the BADman, Satan, and became wayward in his thoughts and decisions, and now countless individuals have been riddled with inexplainable sorrow and a profound loss of life.
Some will say, this will definitely bring a greater awareness of what is taking place around us and the need to, 1.) guard our families, and 2.) stay alerted to environmental cues. I will conclude my thoughts in sharing with you my deep seated concerns.
"ARE YOU AWARE?" is really not the question to concern yourself with, as much as the more critical needed question, "ARE YOU AWAKE?" With your eyes closed, in a relaxed posture, you can be "aware" of someone else in the same waiting room where you are patiently hoping to hear your name called to be served/seen next. At the same time, too often, clueless to the specific activities of those other individuals who are readily monitoring the atmosphere to which you are barely present. We need to be AWAKENED to the cunning, seductive, and destructive nature of Satan, and absorb the Truth that will not only set us free, but has the power to keep us free (John 8:32).
--> Let's not underestimate, nor deny the prowling presence of Hell's existence.
I've spoken with some who will say that they don't believe there's a place called Hell. Then, how do you explain the mayhem that erupted in Denver in that movie theatre? Whatever you do, take a moment to confront YOUR unbelief before YOUR unbelief confronts and conquers YOU.
--> Let's not underestimate, nor deny our aching need to shake ourselves and awaken our hearts (our spirit man) to become more intentionally equipped with the available resources that God has provided (Prayer, Word of God, Community of Faith Fellowship, Personal Testimony/Story, the Person & Work of the Holy Spirit).
Have you OPENED A DOOR that has the potential of leading to a most unwanted dark night?
The suspect claims to be "THE JOKER," but as you can see, what happened in that Denver theatre is far from being a "joke."
We cannot afford to not pay attention folks. Let God's Light Shine Bright.