Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Genesis

Have you ever wondered what would happen in your life if you simply did not take any initiative to arise in the morning and step out of your bed?

OR, what if you never took the initiative to lay down at the end of the day to get what some have referred to as "much needed rest?"

Can we separate the two? Could you exist? If so, how would you survive? What would be of the necessity? THINK this through and share what comes to your mind.

"In the beginning, God."


  1. The Genesis: "In the biginning, God created..."
    God was intentional with His work week, and so we must be as well. We can separate the two statements above for they are two independent actions, however, they complement each other in the sense that while in either situation one is prone to "fall asleep." One of the definitions for exist is: To have life or animation. Several synonyms for animation are: vigor, energy; enthusiasm, ardor; exhilaration, sprightliness. A person cannot BE any of these things if one is asleep, therefore, existence in this case would be minimal and meaningless. Regardless, it is much a necessity to obtain the "much needed rest" at the end of the day in order to "rise and shine and give God the glory" on the next day! Mike & Marlene.

  2. If you never got out of bed, or you never take the time to rest,you would not be able to BE what you were created to be. Obviously we know that when we stay in bed & never take initiative to get up & go then laziness increases and our gifts are suppressed because they are not put into action. Some people feel that not resting is a great accomplishment and actually brag about how "little" sleep they got. I know from experience that if I don't take the initiative to rest, and if I'm not rested, well, I'm not sharp. I'm not on my game, I become forgetful and irritable, which isn't very good for my relationships, also I find that I don't listen well or I don't retain what I heard. Can you imagine if all the non-resters got their much-needed rest? How different they would be? I would say that NOT RESTING when needed is probably the equivalent of just staying in bed all day. Either way produces a level of ineffectiveness. There needs to be a healthy balance. My final answer: The bed is for REST, not existence.
