Friday, July 17, 2015

"Get Real & Stop Playing the Blame Game"

Do you ever get tired of reading social media, watching the news, and listening to some people's general assertions, such as:

"That's why our country is where it is."

"You can thank Washington or our President for that tragedy?"

These statements, along with others, are referring to the media highlighting the twisted responses to perversion, profanity, tragedy, and appalling proclamations of those who claim a monopoly of certain "correctness," or demonstrate a reckless disregard for humanity. Just because one feels they have the "right" to do what they want in the name of moral, legal, or religious freedoms, doesn't necessarily qualify it to be "approved."

"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death." (Proverbs 14:12)

Human reasoning should never be the sole apparatus to rely upon when traveling through life. Mental mathematics and intellectual evaluation, when pursued without prayerful inquiry and the absence of a biblical compass, is a sure formula for self inflicted defeat. Now, don't sit there and try and make sense out of that statement. 

I have a confession to make: "I Am REAL'igious!"

You see,...
You may be living for the Weekends.
You may be living for the desired Money tree.
You may be living for the next "off 'da chain" Party stop.
You may be living for your moments of indulging in mere Sensuality.

BUT listen friend,... if you aren't living to follow Christ, then you are bankrupt, barely breathing, on life support, and weaving a web of your own demise. 

Do yourself and so many others a huge favor. 

Stop spinning and start "REAL'ing." Begin taking note of what the REAL issues are and don't be so apt to blame everything and everyone else for some of the issues that were born and bred in selfishness, neglect, and a much larger pool of problems. 

SUMMING IT UP: We would all experience less undesired and unfortunate circumstances in our individual lives, communities, nation, and even our world, if we'd all be more responsible to "set our affections on things above and not on the things of this world." (Colossians 3:2) Each one of us need to cultivate sound courage and be more consistently committed to leading by example in all of our relationships. But, guess what!?! This demands intentional definition, discipline, and the deployment of daily devotion.

Prioritizing life is REAL'ly simple when focusing on the things that not only feel right, but those things that truly matter most. Often, we are so quick to claim certain priorities, yet our practice reveals something is out of alignment. Our practices reveal what our true priorities are in life. And, what do you think it is that populates our priorities? It is our perspective. If we have the correct perspective (viewing field), then we will establish sound priorities, and those priorities will shape and determine our practices (behavior / actions). 

Ask yourself,
"Do I have an eternal perspective?
Or, have I settled for an earthly, temporal,
emotionally driven, and self absorbed perspective?" 

Oh, and BE REAL with your answer.

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