What keeps you entertaining the familiar voices that distract and result in a detour?
When was the last time you know God spoke to you and said, "This is the way, walk ye in it," and you refused to listen and chose to follow what YOU felt was right and would lead to the most productive outcome, only to be disappointed in the deficiency of your determination?
How determined are you to read, respond, and refuse to ignore the lessons you've learned in the Classroom of Life, as you abide in Christ? You can resist the temptation to "Do Your Own Thing" and today, surrender fully to seeing the fulfillment of His Kingdom coming and His will being done IN you and THROUGH you.
The time is NOW and the question that must be embraced and enforced is, How Determined am I to live for God and choose to please Him, and Him alone?
I've tried to live for others, but have always been disappointed. That used to be a crutch,oh...and big blame ticket right there. How convenient it was for me to make everyone else "at fault" when it was really me who set them up for failure. Now I know that there is no one who is infallible, and that the reality is that people will always let you down, not because they are bad, but because they are not designed nor created to be anyone's everything.
ReplyDeleteThe expectation that I placed on the people in my life were way too high ...thus an ugly pattern which appeared in so many relationships in my life.
God has taught me and continues to teach me to rely on Him only and then the people that I need in my life will show up. The people who need me will show up too.
If anything this past year has taught me, it is that anything can happen at any time, and the only PERSONS I can truly rely on is that of the Holy Spirit, Jesus my comnforter and counselor, and my father God, the Almighty, in whom I can always TRUST. These guys will tell me the truth no matter how much it hurts, they will impart wisdom and discernment. Most importantly, I can trust the motive behind the direction I am given when the Holy Spirit speaks to me. I still get distracted by the daily activities and I tend to get in my own way. I feel bad when I recognize a missed opportunity to let Him shine through; those are moments that I find myself letting my emotional or intellectual response be the first response. But knowing that I recognize those moments are a sign for me as well - that I heard Him say, "you know, you should have let me handle that for ya..." There's alot of comfort in that.
I am determined to live for God, to please God and to consider what HE thinks about what I'm doing above & beyond what anyone else thinks. Living this way can only set me up to be a success as an active, vital Christina woman. I desire to be an example, a modern day story, of His ability to restore the body, renew the mind, and refresh the soul. I want to give Him the glory for all He has done & will continue to do. It's not me, it's Christ in me.