Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Momentum Madness VS Mission Gladness

Momentum can be defined as "the quantity of motion of a moving body," and such words as strength, power, energy, force, thrust, speed, and velocity are often synonymous.

Madness is a word often used in the mental health profession to describe "a state of severe mental illness, accompanied by foolish behavior and chaotic activity." Such words as instability, foolishness, disorder, turmoil, uproar, chaos, pandemonium, and idiocy are often synonymous. NOTE: This is most often only noted by those on the outside, who are viewing the chaotic, unexplainable, sudden changes in one's behavior, decisions, and/or lifestyle.

So, when we put these together, we can conclude Momentum Madness as being a condition of one experiencing an instability of power, strength, and force, due to present turmoil and chaos, which sabotages the desired path of passion, purpose, and pursuit. I can not help but wonder at times, what is it that we are missing, that we cannot discern the MOMENTUM MADNESS that competes constant in our lives EVERY day!?! Let's first consider a couple of key questions.

1.) In this hour, what does it truly mean to be a "disciple" of Jesus Christ?

2.) How does one maintain focus and fervency in the pursuit of discipleSHIP ("to stay on board")?

The Bible states in Philippians 2:5-8:

5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

It is the Apostle Paul who also took the opportunity to bring us the following words of direction and need for "mind filtration" in Romans 12:2:

2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

You see, we should be certain that God, BEFORE anyone else, knows our heart continues to swell with the pointed aim to reach, rescue, and restore those who are fainting, failing, and ultimately, falling. We often pledge allegiance to the most aimless of aims and then wonder why we are sinking and taking others with us. Unfortunate, it is. However, we have been gifted with the resources of Heaven to maintain the position of rightness that brings us the Peace of God that goes beyond all human understanding.

So, the goal is to do our part in ridding ourselves of the Momentum Madness and once again experience the life inducing power of God that brings with it the love, joy, peace, and constant strength we so pointedly need in order to engage our life Mission with Gladness.

I was glad when they said unto me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord."


  1. How to we live like a disciple for Jesus, how do we stay on board with the mission? It's a simple answer with complex requirements, basically, it's a Decision to be Disciplined.

    While reviewing a book I read many years ago, Celebration of Discipline, I was reminded of the joy that was unveiled to me when I FIRST put Him first, when I sought His plans for me and how He wanted me to affect those around me.

    When I lost focus of His plan first in my life, that is when the troubles came. That's when the "momentum madness" began. One bad decision compiled with another, like compounding interest, the results were more than I bargained for. I found myself reacting and behaving in ways to keep things from getting worse, while the whole time I was ignoring the origin - I was no longer a disciplined Christian.

    Being disciplined is work, but once you begin and get on track, you find peace, joy, find yourself responding in a manner that would make Jesus proud. It truly is joy unspeakable when you can hold your head high, no matter what any human being may say, and know with confidence you are blameless because you have been obedient and that the Lord knows your heart.

    Remember being a kid and wanting to do something, but you had to ask mom or dad first? I remember shuffling my feet, peeking around the corner, trying to gage my parents mood, working up the courage to ask. If the answer was no, it wasn't always a pleasant feeling, but it was still understood to be NO. I remember not asking at all sometimes and going to bed really disappointed because I didn't even give them a chance to know what I wanted.

    The bible says to "seek ye first the kingdom of God" - it's the same thing. Imagine God sitting on the sofa, and there's something you really want to do or have. You may be all grown up now, but train yourself to ask the Father first, and then really pay heed to His answer. If it's not what you wanted to hear, in other words, the door ain't opening...accept it, pray about it, STAY STILL and wait for the big reveal. He may have more intended for you than you could ever imagine to ask for. Not only will you be blessed, you will be a blessing to others.

  2. You have to believe that Jesus is Lord and the Son of God. Also, Consistently have a willing - teachable heart for the Lord and HIS WAYS Not a 'me' selfish spirit. Become an obedient SERVANT in constantly watching your negative attitude, stop trying to take things into your own hands when HE can assist you with your problems. It's hard when we are adults to submit, decrease to anyone which would make it a little tough to sumbit to our Savior. There are people who want to be served than serve others: what's in it for me or I will scratch your back if you scratch mine. Jesus made it clear in the washing of the feet the importance of serving others throught love. As Lynette stated, one has to be focused by keeping your eyes on the prize "seek ye first the kingdom of God" and make sure Jehovah stays on top of your list of family and friends. It's so true that if the Holy Trinity is not your main focus, trouble begins to snowball. That's why it's so important to belong to a church where you can fellowship and find true kingdom worshipers to be reminded of who is your source of LIGHT, PROTECTION, HEALING, STRONG TOWER ... YOUR EVERYTHING IN GOOD, BAD TIMES AND JOYFUL TIMES AND MOURNFUL TIMES.
    JESUS is not of this world so don't allow the world to distract you from his love, peace, calm, joy, strength, solution, revelation, GPS guide ...
