Someone recently posted a quote on their Facebook page, to which when I read it, I was prompted to submit it here as a interactive thought that I have reflected upon much through the years in both life and the ministry.
Richard Milnes lifts off the pages of history the following adage which was initially observed on the Mepham High School auditorium wall in Bellmore, New York, in 1948:
"The Virtue Lies in the Struggle, Not the Prize"
CAUTION: This is a vast pond to be fishing in for sure. Are you ready for the challenge?
To attain the desired end result with as little struggle, or pains, and in as short of a time as possible, is too often, the goal! Why is it that we have failed at over committing and not following through? What are the advantages of giving the grandiose impressions of holding a certain position of thought (or spiritual conviction), only to reveal that in the heat of the moment, all values, morals, and ethics are thrown to the curb, with the hope that others will understand and somehow, remain one of our allies?
Here are a few questions to be pondering, to hopefully keep one's eyes from wondering.
So, how does one preserve the perceived virtue gained in the struggle, once they realize the prize has no value or placement in their future??? This is where one knows whether or not the perceived gained virtue has been realized as of yet.
What message are we sending and teaching our children?
Though it is a great statement, I don't recollect Richard Milnes (author of the posted quote) offering any insight on this piece of the "painful" puzzle. AND, until one brings resolve to this "piece," they will never truly know "peace."
Though it is a great statement, I don't recollect Richard Milnes (author of the posted quote) offering any insight on this piece of the "painful" puzzle. AND, until one brings resolve to this "piece," they will never truly know "peace."
You see, it's the preservation of the revelation that will assist one in reaching and/or arriving at their DESTINation (Destiny/Assignment/Purpose in Life). How does one preserve the revelation?
Should we have to engage the same struggle repeatedly? If so, why!?!
Should we have to engage the same struggle repeatedly? If so, why!?!
What adjustments, and/or changes, must you initiate in order to advance to the place where God ultimately desires you?
We've all heard the common statement, "No Pain, No Gain," yet we refrain, resist, and run from anything that will be painful in the least. What virtue have you gained in the pain?
So, where are you in the struggle? AND, how do you manage the "Wondering eyes," OR what I will conclude with as, "Double Vision?"
Please feel free to take a moment and share!!!
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