If there is one principle, one posture, one position, and one passion that is most misunderstood, misquoted, misread, and missing in the lives of so many professing Christians today, it is defining, aligning, and assigning what it truly means to "Keep God First."
When desiring to belong and be associated with the spiritual aspect of humanity, so many lay a quick claim to their pursuits being met with the prerequisite of "keeping God first." I'm not going to hide it. While some state their claims, the landscape of their lives reflect a clear disconnect in their application of Jesus' command to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness." (Matthew 6:33)
To "seek first" means that one's #1 priority in life is to nurture their life focus on God, with God, and to God,...daily. This is not merely accomplished by being able to speak certain spiritual jargon, or dressing up on Sunday mornings, or referencing an spiritual experience or event that took place somewhere in the past. It really comes down to a personal pursuit, a continual discovery, development, and deployment of the nature of Christ in and through one's life.
The hymn of the church, "Amazing Grace," though written ages ago, included my sinfulness and wretchedness. You see, "I once was lost, but now I am found, I was blind, but now I can see." I am so thankful that God so loved you and me that He gave His only Son to die for our sins, sicknesses, and sorrows. He found me, rescued me, redeemed me, and I am determined to keep Him at the top of my list.
This is in no way an exhaustive list of some of the markers that indicate one is truly "keeping God first." Let's begin with the detectable, obvious, and notable markers and then include some of the faith foundational principles:
- Possessing an optimistic attitude toward life and others, both in the present and for the future.
- The absence of heaviness, depression, and a despondency that clearly lacks the joy of the Lord that is one's strength.
- Being reachable and teachable at all times.
- Participates in helping and serving.
- Actively looks for opportunities to encourage others who may be struggling in life.
- Actively assimilated into a Community of Faith (local church).
- Regularly attends a local church and is committed to consistent discipleship training.
- Commits their time, talent, and treasure to their community of faith in obedience to God's Word, to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), and for the support of the vision of the local church.
- Prays and stays their focus on God and the things of God.
- Encourages their family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and community to follow their example.
"Keepers," those who keep God first are committed to a life pursuit of excellence; spirit - soul - and body. This pursuit is never to be emotional, occasional, or seasonal, to only be set in motion during holidays (Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas) or key life events (Baby dedications, Graduations, Weddings, Retirement, Funerals). For "keepers," these times are highlights of the year to bring added honor and support to family and friends. For those who fail to maintain their faith focus and pursuit, it often turns into an unfortunate time of encouraging others to follow an example that may be nonexistent. We are called to sharpen the stewardship of our Christian witness and be careful to only offer genuine words of encouragement, rather than trying to pose as a representative of a Kingdom that one is not enlisted or authorized to speak on behalf of.
SUMMING IT UP: Some just simply fail to understand that commitment is not contingent upon comfort, conveniences, or the direction of the crowd. We are encouraged to "set our affections on things above, not on the things of this world." (Colossians 3:2) "Keepers" don't view this encouragement as boring, religious, or confining, but rather liberating and a welcomed companion to the Christ centered life.
If you find yourself a bit irritated or overwhelmed with the working out of life, then it could be a sign that you're spending less time with God and too much time with this world. Both my desire and drive in this present life is that I represent the Kingdom of God with honor, honesty, integrity, and a faith that is active, living, transformational, and an encouragement for others to follow.