Friday, May 29, 2015


Our world has become inundated with individuals who simply like to tell others how they feel, yet they are rarely having those conversations with the people who really matter. Some are oblivious to this reality, consequently being held hostage to self inflicted hostility. For some, it has become their standard "modus operandi" accompanied by a reckless disposition. It's that whole "I don't what they think, it's how I feel," attitude that we've seen and heard demonstrated much too often. Allow me to extend a heart and a hand to you here today.

Let's begin here with a simple exercise. Carve out a few minutes to seriously consider TAKING AN INVENTORY. This is not just something to consume your time, but this will equip and empower you to experience freedom and help others benefit as well. Something to think about AND walk about today,... tomorrow,... always!!!)

1.) Are the people you talk about with others, or those whom you post about on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), those whom you reference in your posts, those whom you love, care for, and value,... are they personally aware of your perspective, position, and passion? Do they have access to the various social media highways to view the signs that you are posting about them? 

IF THIS IS THE CASE, if at all possible, make sure you tell them personally - call them and let them hear the love and warmth in your voice. You made need to get creative in your pursuits, but believe me, it will be worth it to them, and yes, you will be rewarded as well.

2.) How about some of the negative, cutting, glaring comments you make,...are they mere innuendo's submitted in a public forum or posted on social media billboards to afford you some perceived relief (a/k/a "venting")? Have you considered that the real issues you possess are going unattended, as YOU permit whatever it is (whether perceived or real) to continue wreaking havoc IN you, ON you, and TO you? Buried deep within you is a desire to have fellowship, to experience connection, to enjoy the benefits of genuine, real, and authentic relationships. Fortunately, this is possible, but it will not be achieved without your participation. 

IF THIS IS THE CASE, stop the madness. Shift into the lane of proper conflict resolution and take some time to connect with those individuals you've been taking pleasure in avoiding to reach a resolution that will bring forth the much needed healing and restoration. The construction and maintenance of relationships requires time, energy, effort, and exercise. IF you're willing to make the investment, your world will be a much more enjoyable and fulfilling place to live, and so will the world be for those whom you invest. 

THIS WILL BE A "Win-Win" FOR EVERYONE, including God!!!

"May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14)

Don't just think about it,.......DO IT TODAY. Take the time needed to launch a new beginning, a new day for you and others!!! You really can be a world changer, but it's UP to you!!!



  1. This is a good and timely reminder. Thank you!

  2. This is a good and timely reminder. Thank you!
